The Persian nation is going to continue pushing and pushing—and
probably soon it will push with nuclear capability! However, the Bible
shows that there will be a power that will stand up to it. Daniel
11:40 shows the end result for the nation of Iran: “And at the time of
the end shall the king of the south [radical Islam led by Iran] push at
him [a resurrected Holy Roman Empire in Europe]: and the king of the
north [the Europeans] shall come against him like a whirlwind, with
chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter
into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.”
This prophecy reveals that a European power is soon going to be
strong enough to deal with Iran in exactly the way America won’t.
Ultimately, though, this explosive situation will result in nuclear
war. Passages including Matthew 24:21-22 and Daniel 12:1-2 describe a
time of such catastrophic destruction that they must be talking about
nuclear warfare. Isaiah 6:11, Jeremiah 2:15 and many other prophecies
foretell cities without even one inhabitant. Only nuclear weapons could
cause that.
Can’t we see that there is no human solution to this crisis? Matthew
24:21-22 tell us exactly that. Without the return of Jesus Christ,
mankind would war all the way to the point that there would not be a
single human being left alive on Earth! This is talking about the
nuclear war just ahead of us!
But these verses also show that there is good news: Jesus Christ is
going to stop us from destroying ourselves completely! He is going to
return—not an Islamic Mahdi currently hiding in a well. Jesus Christ is
going to return in all power from heaven and place His feet upon the
Mount of Olives, and bring us the real true and lasting peace that we
all desire!
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