Monday 20 July 2015

Four Responses to the Iran Nuclear Deal

If you haven’t already, read Mr. Hilliker’s article titled “How the Iranian Nuclear Agreement Will Change History.” In it he states:

Perhaps the most fearsome question of all is, what will happen when Iran gets a nuclear weapon?

This deal was supposed to prevent this. In reality, it guarantees it—it is simply a matter of time. The Trumpet has warned for years about how the Bible’s description of the sequence of end-time events reveals it will be a radical Middle East power that triggers World War III. It also reveals emphatically that this war will be a nuclear war.

For a detailed look into Iran’s role in these earth-shaking Bible prophecies, request our free booklet The King of the South.

It is important to reflect on what world leaders are saying about the nuclear deal, but far more weight should be put on what God says about it. This deal is going to reshape the Middle East and will affect every person alive. The rise of Iran is pivotal to the fulfillment of major prophecies that—while destructive in the short term—will culminate in the spectacular return of Jesus Christ.

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