Tuesday 14 July 2015

Have You Heard the True Gospel?

As strange as it may seem, today’s churches have lost the true gospel that Jesus preached.

Ask any professing Christian if he believes the gospel, and he is sure to immediately respond with a resounding, “Yes!” But press that same person to explain just what the gospel is and, if he is able to reply at all, he will almost certainly give a wrong answer!

This is shocking! Jesus Christ commanded that true Christians repent and believe the gospel. How can one believe it if he doesn’t even know what it is? Jesus also commissioned His disciples to preach the gospel to the whole world (Mark 16:15). Again, how could they, unless they understood the gospel message to begin with?

Further, God inspired the Apostle Paul to pronounce a double curse on all who would teach a gospel other than the true message Jesus brought (Galatians 1:8-9). Many of this world’s churches are in danger of bringing such curses upon themselves and their followers simply because they don’t know what the true gospel is!

Believe it or not, today’s churches have lost, changed, twisted and perverted the true gospel. Some groups have actually changed the name of the gospel. They interpret it as the “social gospel,” the “gospel of wisdom,” the “gospel of grace,” or some other non-biblical title.

Why isn’t the true gospel of Jesus being preached by churches today? Have you ever heard Christ’s own gospel—the very message He preached? You need to understand His message! It is necessary to believe that gospel to be saved!

Let us prove, using God’s inspired Scriptures, just what is the true gospel message.

By far, the most common mistake has been to take the words “gospel of God” and apply them to a different, false message from the one brought by our Savior. Usually, churches preach a message about Jesus—about His birth, life and death.

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