Wednesday 15 July 2015

How the Iranian Nuclear Agreement Will Change History

Many observers are describing this deal as historic. That is absolutely right—but most people fail to understand WHY. A full appreciation for its significance requires viewing events from the unique perspective of how it fulfills biblical prophecy.

In a number of ways, this deal will accelerate events in the Middle East and far beyond that align exactly with what the Trumpet has been anticipating would happen based on the prophecies of the Bible.

This deal sets the course for what happens in the Middle East for years to come. We are certain to look back on it as a decisive moment in world events.

The most important effect is that it cements Iran’s position as KING OF THE MIDDLE EAST. This is a prophetically significant role that the Trumpet has believed for over two decades that Iran would fulfill. Probably nothing has highlighted the truth of this analysis more than what just happened. You can read the proof behind this conclusion in our booklet The King of the South.

This deal was supposed to prevent this. In reality, it guarantees it—it is simply a matter of time. The Trumpet has warned for years about how the Bible’s description of the sequence of end-time events reveals it will be a radical Middle East power that triggers World War III. It also reveals emphatically that this war will be a NUCLEAR WAR.

President Obama and many other people are making glowing statements about how important this deal is and how it will ensure peace.

The thing about those statements is, TIME WILL SOON TELL.

It doesn’t matter what the politicians and pundits say: History is going to play out—and soon it will be clear to people around the globe what just happened.

This truly was a historic deal. It is setting the course for the Mideast from this point forward—and for nations far beyond that region. Soon the whole world will recognize just what a decisive moment in human history this agreement really was.

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