Friday 17 July 2015

Greece Euro Crisis Reveals That Germany Rules Europe

For decades, this was the signature prophecy repeatedly proclaimed by Herbert W. Armstrong: the seventh and final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire—a 10-nation European superstate dominated by Germany.

The euro crisis is helping to bring all of this about.

Sixty years ago, no one could foresee Germany rising again and dominating Europe—except for Mr. Armstrong. Ten years ago, no one could have envisioned Germany unilaterally and aggressively transforming a fellow European power into a vassal state—except for Mr. Armstrong’s successor, Gerald Flurry.

In August 1950, Herbert Armstrong predicted that “the world will be stunned, dumbfounded, to see Germany emerge suddenly in a power never equaled by Hitler—by a union of 10 nations in Europe, probably including some at present puppets of Russia—in a gigantic United States of Europe. … Soon the ‘United States of Europe’ will emerge, with Germany at its head.”

Those “puppets of Russia” are now part of the EU! We don’t yet see the union of 10 nations—that is coming—but we see Germany clearly as Europe’s head.

In his booklet Germany’s Conquest of the Balkans, Mr. Flurry wrote, “It will not be long before Europe is reunited as the Holy Roman Empire. It will be led very assertively by Germany.” Again, today we see that leadership openly and assertively on the march. In 2011, he wrote:

In May 2010, Germany was forced to bail out Greece’s economy. Last November it rescued Ireland. Other European countries are in the same mess, such as Spain, Italy and Portugal. The economies of these nations, and the future of the entire EUROPEAN UNIFICATION PROJECT, are on LIFE SUPPORT—and Germany’s fingers are on the power switch!

Watch closely. Germany will use this crisis to FORCE Europe to unite more tightly. In the process, some eurozone countries will be forced out of the union. When that happens, the pundits will say European unification is dead, that the European Union has failed. DON’T LISTEN TO THEM!

Every country that leaves the EU puts us one step closer to seeing the German-led 10-nation European superstate!”

Later that year he wrote, “Germany has the economic might and the political will to do what it feels must be done, and nobody else does. Whoever controls the money controls the empire.”

At the start of this crisis, he warned, “How the Germans are dealing with the economic crisis is far from democratic! Those nations that can’t or won’t comply will be kicked out of the European Union!”

That is exactly what we have been witnessing over the past week. This, Mr. Flurry wrote, is one of the most significant moments ever in the history of Europe.

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