Friday 31 July 2015

How the Global Financial Crisis Will Produce Europe’s Ten Kings.

The German Question (and the German Solution)

How exactly do America’s problems tie in with Europe, Greece and Germany? How are they bringing about the 10 kings of the final Holy Roman Empire?
“Europe, once again at a moment of crisis, faces the quandary of how to deal with German power. The German question is back,” wrote the New York Times’s Roger Cohen on July 13. “Precisely the thing that Germans were most uneasy about, and their neighbors, too, has now occurred. Germany dominates Europe to a degree unimaginable even 15 years ago.”
The American-European financial crisis is empowering Germany to dominate Greece and the rest of Europe in a way that will ultimately pare the European Union down to 10 nations!
In his article on July 13 titled “Greece Is Being Treated Like a Hostile Occupied State,” the Telegraph’s Ambrose Evans-Pritchard wrote that the new deal for Greece’s bailout is “the worst of all worlds. They have solved nothing. Germany and its allies have for the first time attempted to eject a country from the euro .…” In other words, it’s going to unravel and, as the Bible prophesied, it’s going to lead to those 10 nations.
Pritchard said that the German-brokered Athens deal “offers no conceivable way out of the country’s perpetual crisis.” He likened it to a military invasion by the EU’s monetary union (EMU) to enforce whatever it wanted.
Greece’s former finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, said in a July 13 interview with the New Statesman that the EMU is “completely and utterly” controlled by Germany. “It is all like a very well-tuned orchestra, and [Germany’s finance minister] is the director.”
Can you imagine Germany moving in and controlling YOUR country? Something amazing is happening in Europe, and Germany has power that was supposed to be dispersed among and controlled by all of these EU members. They were supposed to control a dangerous Germany, but look at what Germany is doing today.
Reuters quoted one diplomat saying that the austerity measures imposed on Greece are tantamount to turning Greece into a “German protectorate.”
Herbert W. Armstrong predicted years ago that the collapse of the western world’s financial system, led by the United States, would unite those 10 nations into what is called the Holy Roman Empire—led by Germany.
It is a development that will shock the world! But if you study these events within the bigger picture of Bible prophecy, you realize that it is going to lead to Jesus Christ returning to personally DESTROY that great empire and to usher in peace and joy and happiness for all eternity! 

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