Tuesday 19 April 2016

Coming Soon: Nuclear Terror?


Terrorist groups are more capable than ever. The unthinkable could already be unavoidable.

The New York Times quoted Matthew Bunn, a Harvard professor specializing in nuclear security, giving some chilling warnings. The Islamic State “has an apocalyptic ideology and believes there is going to be a final war with the United States,” he said. The group expects to win that war, and it needs “very powerful weapons to do so.”
“And if they ever did turn to nuclear weapons,” he said, “they have more people, more money and more territory under their control and more ability to recruit experts globally than al Qaeda at its best ever had.”
That warning isn’t easy to dismiss, simply because a nuclear terrorist attack—even if it’s just a dirty bomb—would have earthshaking implications. It isn’t nice to think about, but as expert after expert is warning, it is reality.
But there is hope. The Bible prophecies a short era of nuclear attacks coming soon, but it also gives incredible hope for what lies after. For more about this hope, read our article “The World Will Not End This Way!

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