Wednesday 20 April 2016

When Britain ‘Invaded’ Australia

Australia and the Throne of David

The Trumpet has often drawn attention to the royal throne in Britain and the promises and prophecies concerning it. As descendants of the Anglo-Saxons and members of Her Majesty’s Commonwealth, these promises extend to Australia as well.
The amazing part is, the Bible is literally full of such references. Notice this exciting truth as explained by Herbert W. Armstrong in his book The United States and Britain in Prophecy:
Here is the fact as little realized as any in the Bible! Almighty God made an absolutely binding—just how binding we shall see!—covenant with David,unconditionally guaranteeing that there should never be a single generation from that time forward when there would not be a descendant of David, in UNBROKEN DYNASTY sitting on David’s throne, ruling over children of Israel! It was the promise of a continuous, unbroken dynasty— all generations forever—that was guaranteed.
Read that incredible promise in 2 Samuel 7:4-16. In the ensuing chapters of his book, Mr. Armstrong goes on to detail the biblical truths—combined with historical facts—that prove King David’s throne eventually migrated to England. Without adequate space in this article to cover such detail, we encourage you to request and read The United States and Britain in Prophecy (all of our literature is free, without follow-up or obligation).
Mr. Armstrong explains Australia’s glorious biblical ties to the British—and more importantly, its royal heritage and future:
Soon Britain’s empire spread around the world, until the sun never set upon her possessions. Canada, Australia, South Africa were given dominion status—made free and independent nations, ruling themselves independent of England—a company, or commonwealth, of nations joined together, not by legal government, but solely by the throne of David!
That is what revisionist history seeks to sever: The incredible link in a chain that ties back to King David and God’s promise of an eternal throne.
In a world filled with appalling evils, we need this vision. Few promises can provide that hope in a way as awesome and inspiring as the key of David vision. Trumpeteditor in chief Gerald Flurry explains this vision as “the royal gospel viewed through the eyes of the Father, and the Husband, and the headquarters Bride—the highest level of God’s government through all eternity.” It is a future world-ruling Empire led by Christ Himself, ruling from that selfsame throne we see in England today!
Australia—black and white—can be a part of that eternal Kingdom.
If you want to know more about these incredible blessings God has promised and about the role you individually can play in their fulfillment, be sure to request and read our free books The United States and Britain in Prophecy and The Key of David.

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