Wednesday 13 April 2016

Is Crime Data Validating the ‘Ferguson Effect’?

Because of the race factor, some of the opponents of the Ferguson effect—chiefly the Black Lives Matter movement—make the sweeping generalization that law enforcement is inherently racially biased against blacks. This is something not confirmed by facts. The Color of Crime—a study by economic consultant Edwin S. Rubenstein of the ESR Research—indicates that racial bias within law enforcement is negligible.
In the August Trumpet, editor in chief Gerald Flurry discussed the problems that naturally result when the nation’s law enforcement—instead of the criminals—is handcuffed. That result, in short, is that violent crime will increase. “We must see what is happening in America today as God does,” he wrote in “Police Under Attack.” “We have to recognize the cause and see the spiritual dimension. Then we can look at Bible prophecy and see exactly where it is leading. … But in the end, these nation-destroying problems are actually correction from God to help us see our sins and repent of them. The same Bible that prophesies of our cities burning shows that ultimately, all this suffering will help bring this nation to its senses and prepare us to submit to God once Jesus Christ returns to this Earth. Thank God for that!”

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