Wednesday 6 April 2016

Rise of the Superpresident

The rule of law has disintegrated to the point where the nation could descend into a civil war between feuding political factions that put their trust not in a legal framework that protects their freedom, but in authoritarian politicians.
We must see what is happening in America as God does. He does not blame Barack Obama or any other politician to the same extent that many political commentators do. In the end, these nation-destroying problems are actually correction from God to help us see our sins and repent. The spirit of lawlessness that has taken hold in America can only end in the erosion of our freedoms. We must realize that there is no freedom without law. We must also realize that there is no hope in man. Once the failures of human rule have reached their climax, God will intervene. “The kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ” (Revelation 11:15). Then God be able to teach us the way to true peace, joy and prosperity!

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