Wednesday 27 April 2016

The Real Agenda Behind Black Lives Matter

An Evil Spiritual Force

The Bible prophesies this about America in the near future: “Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire: your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers” (Isaiah 1:7). I explain this important prophecy in my article “Your Cities Are Burned With Fire.”
Even those who see there is a real problem in America today don’t recognize its full extent. There is an evil spiritual force that seeks to destroy America. That spirit is working in these young people to fulfill that goal. A great evil spirit is leading these young people to destruction and leading them to accelerate this nation’s death! People are surrendering to this hateful, evil thinking. It is terribly racist—but it is even worse: It is aligned with satanic will. That is what is truly happening here!
If you have never proved this truth, you need to do so. We will gladly send you a free copy of my booklet America Under Attack to help you recognize the dangerous direction our nation is heading.
Those individuals who respond and heed God’s warning, He will protect. God doesn’t want people to suffer through the calamities that are coming. And we must all see that these burning cities are prophesied to occur in the very last days of America’s existence as a strong world power—which is actually right before the Messiah comes to this Earth to rule it! Yes, America’s burning cities presage the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to this Earth! When He returns, He will end all racism and injustice permanently! 

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