Saturday 16 April 2016

The Sin of Self-righteousness - The Trumpet Daily

Human nature wants to be right. But if you look at the world today, there aren’t many people who actually do what’s right, according to the Bible. Often people will put their own concept of righteousness above what it says in the Bible. It looks right to them, so it becomes their law. This is self-righteousness, and it’s a sin everyone has and very few ever see in themselves.

One man in the Bible struggled with the sin of self-righteousness to the point where he couldn’t even see it in himself. His name was Job, and he was the most righteous man of his day. He was famous and well liked for his good deeds. He used his wealth to help the disadvantaged. He was a righteous and upright man.

However, Job’s big problem was that he knew he was righteous. His sin was the most difficult sin there is to see. Though he was “perfect and upright” in the way he observed the strict letter of God’s law, he was full of vanity and pride (Job 1:1).

Every human being is going to suffer from this sin to some degree. That’s human nature. But God says we have to get rid of it! On this episode of the Trumpet Daily, we look at what the Bible says about self-righteousness—and the steps you can take to overcome it.

Listen to the Trumpet Daily live each day at 7:00 am (CST) on Trumpet Radio. 

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