Wednesday 6 April 2016

The Sin of Idolatry

Whatever it is, if we place it ahead of God and living according to His laws, it becomes a false god! If it interferes with our relationship with God, the Bible says, then it becomes an idol—and it must be crushed!
In Mr. Armstrong’s case, it took God 28 years to finally stamp out every vestige of self-assured confidence, which was idolatry!
“Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry,” Paul wrote to the brethren at Corinth, well over a thousand years after Israel had come out of Egyptian captivity. He knew well that the idolatry command was not meant for some bygone age. It was written for us. Like the rest of the Ten Commandments, it applies to our time today!
And it remains, even to this day, as one of two critically important test commands. If faithfully obeyed, it automatically draws us closer to our Maker!
Keep yourselves from idols, as John wrote to conclude his first epistle. Give God first place in your life. Make your relationship with Him more important than anyone or anything else. Nothing in this material life is as important as that.

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