Saturday 9 April 2016

You Are Gods


“You are Gods!” The Jews hated this astounding truth, even though it came from the mouth of Jesus Christ Himself. This truth is actually at the heart of the gospel message Christ brought—yet to this day, most people reject it. This fundamental teaching reveals the incredible future God offers to those who obey Him. Refusing to accept it always produces failure. Discover the wonderful truth in Jesus Christ’s saying, “You are Gods”—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.
Jesus Christ warned the Jews that they would die in their sins for refusing to believe His hope-filled message. Despite having the Son of God in their midst, the Jews simply would not heed. Request our free booklet Lamentations: The Point of No Return to learn about another crucial warning being rejected. Anciently, Judah reached a point of no return. The nation as a whole could no longer repent to avoid Babylonian captivity. Judah’s disastrous fate is only a type of what is happening today to God’s Church, America, Britain, and the Jewish nation in the Middle East. They will all become enslaved by a European superpower. Only individuals can repent at this stage, but the time to do so is quickly running out. Study Lamentations: The Point of No Return to understand how you can escape the Great Tribulation.
You will also receive two free reprint articles: “You Are Gods,” and “Who Was Jesus Before His Human Birth?” Learn how the eternal pre-history of Jesus Christ is relevant to you. God is a family, starting with the Father and the Son. These two perfect spirit beings desire an infinite number of children. They are offering this unfathomable reward to YOU. Study these two impactful articles for a deeper grasp of your glorious future.
Read or watch everything Gerald Flurry here:…

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