Wednesday 9 March 2016

Trumpet Hour: American Presidential Politics, Russian Authoritarianism, Fix Your Back, and More

• When times get tough, people tend to want strong leadership.
• In America, Donald Trump is steamrolling his way to the Republican nomination. Now he’s making stronger and stronger statements about how he will use executive power if he makes it into the White House—we’ll talk about why some of these statements should really concern us.
• In Russia, you have tremendous support for strongman Vladimir Putin—we’ll talk about how he is using religion as a means of shoring up his popularity—even as an authoritarian tool.
• Have you ever reached down to pick up something, or leaned over to tie your shoes—and then felt a sudden sharp pain in you low back? We’re going to talk with a chiropractor to give you some tips on how to get back on your feet.
• And we’ll conclude with a few words about why people today aren’t marrying as much as they used to.

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