Friday 11 March 2016

Where We Are In Bible Prophecy Habakkuk


The Bible was written thousands of years ago, but it is as relevant as ever today. The Prophet Habakkuk’s account is a prime example. He discussed three end-time catastrophes, followed by the greatest event in history. Discover the remarkable accuracy of the book of Habakkuk. Learn where we are in biblical prophecy—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

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The Prophet Habakkuk wrote about four crucial end-time events: a spiritual war within God’s Church, the rise of a European superpower, a devastating nuclear war to end all wars, and the glorious return of Jesus Christ. Request our free booklet on Habakkuk to learn more about all four. God worked a miracle for His loyal people in a six-year court battle, giving them the copyrights to 19 written works by Herbert W. Armstrong. Without these words of life, delivering God’s warning message to the world would be impossible. Thousands of years ago, the Prophet Habakkuk foretold this legal victory. As the world hurtles toward World War 3, you can gain tremendous hope from the accurate prophecies of Habakkuk.

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What happened to the global humanitarian empire of Herbert W. Armstrong? Why was it necessary to battle in court for his writings? Request our free book Raising the Ruins for an enlightening look at the spiritual destruction of the Worldwide Church of God after Herbert Armstrong’s death. The facts about what his successors did will shock you. But this book also contains the inspiring story of a faithful few who fought against all odds to resurrect Mr. Armstrong’s legacy—and won. You can know where God is working today. You can judge by the fruits who obeys God and who does not.
All our literature is available free of charge, with no cost or obligation to you. Order today!

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