Wednesday 23 March 2016

Is Makeup Sin?

Some may feel that this is a minor issue to God—but is that true?

The History of Makeup

As pointed out before, Jezebel is the earliest biblical example of a woman wearing makeup. Yet, there are earlier historical examples in Egypt. In The Truth About Makeup, Herbert Armstrong wrote: “[The use of makeup originated with] Semiramis, the original mother of harlots, human author and founder of the world’s religions and of abominations of the world.
Nationally, it came out of ancient Egypt. Nearly everything evil and sinful came out of Egypt. Egypt is used as the very type of sin in the Scriptures.
When we were in Egypt we saw many of the statues and idols of ancient Egypt. Two things were most prominent in the statues of their ancient queens and the goddesses: the painting on their faces, which changed their natural appearance, and the thin-veiled gowns which exposed nudity underneath. They had changed themselves from a modest and virtuous appearance into one of sensuality ….”
“In the British Museum we found complete and elaborate ‘makeup’ kits, beautifully carved unguent boxes in alabaster, ivory or carved wood, dated, according to inscriptions, back to 3500 b.c. There were tiny ivory and wooden sticks and eyelash brushes, combs, mirrors. Also materials for dyeing the fingernails! Even that custom came out of Egypt!”
Originally, painting the face was done only by prostitutes, whose intent was to seduce men. In more recent times, it was made popular by the courtesans of Paris, spreading to prostitutes in other cities, then gradually it came into common acceptance by the vast majority. It did not, however, come into acceptance with God!

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