Tuesday 22 March 2016

Just What Is the Obama Doctrine?


The Obama doctrine has been a terrible transformation where the champions of freedom have allowed world leadership to pass to tyrants and autocratic regimes. The centuries of progress built up by the march of American democracy is gone with the wind!
Churchill warned that Britain was following the path of Carthage and needed to learn from the Punic Wars. America is now following the same road to death. Carthage allowed Rome to rise in power and did not react with force against its sudden challenges. A series of violent wars broke out, but it was too little too late. Rome conquered Carthage: It cut down the vast forests of North Africa, creating the Sahara desert; it burned the capital city to the ground, leaving it in ashes; and it salted the once fertile plains, rendering them useless. Rome left Carthage in utter desolation. That is the consequence of inaction.
Carthage, Britain and now America all made the same mistakes and allowed the world order to be turned on its head, leading to chaos, war and eventual defeat. The Obama doctrine is the latest in a long list of mistakes made by mankind throughout history. However, there is more at stake today than ever before. We live in a world with nuclear weapons, and nations are arming themselves with these weapons of Armageddon. As Jeffrey Goldberg’s article makes clear, we live in a different world with a rapidly declining America—and that decline has been brought about, in part, by deliberate choice.

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