Friday 11 March 2016

The Crisis at the Close - The Trumpet Daily


Your Bible says this world is quickly heading into its worst crisis ever. Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ warned His disciples of great tribulation. He prophesied of world-shaking violence—of cataclysmic events that would occur right at the end of man’s rule on Earth!

In Matthew 24, Jesus was asked what events would signal the end of this present age of man. He answered by listing a number of worldwide problems that would intensify into crises at the time of the end.

Bible prophecy reveals exactly how world events will build to a tremendous climax of earthshaking calamities that bring an end to this present evil world, and set the stage for the beginning of God’s Kingdom on Earth.

On this episode of the Trumpet Daily, we open the Bible and look into the prophesied crisis at the close of this age.

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