Wednesday 2 March 2016

Trumpet Hour: Germany-Russia Relationship, Guttenberg and Politics, Just the Best Literature

- With Russia on the rise, Germany is having to adjust and react. There are reports of Russia trying to influence German politics—and German leaders are trying to manage their relationship with Vladimir Putin and this aggressive nation to their East. This whole situation has troubling historical associations.
- With Germany facing several threats, many people are calling for new leadership in the nation—and one individual being held up as a possible savior is Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg.
- Do you find that your attention span is shrinking? A new program that starts next week on KPCG just might be able to help you. We’ll talk with Dennis Leap about his new show, “Just the Best Literature.”
- And we’ll conclude with a few words about kicking your kids outdoors!
• All this on today’s Trumpet Hour.

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