Sunday 13 March 2016

The Worst Foreign-Policy Blunder in American History

One Final Push

Over 2,500 years ago, God inspired the Prophet Daniel to write: “And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over” (Daniel 11:40).
You can prove with your Bible that “the king of the south” is modern-day radical Islam, led by Iran. It has a pushy foreign policy. You can also prove that “the king of the north” is a German-led power bloc.
America may let Iran get away with acts of war because of the U.S.’s broken will, but your Bible says that Germany will not be so passive. Instead, it will attack and destroy the king of the south! Germany already has Iran surrounded. (Download our free e-book Germany’s Secret Strategy to Destroy Iran to understand the details of these vital prophecies.)
What could enable Iran to push at Germany more than an arsenal of nuclear weapons? Iran relishes the thought of starting World War iii!
One striking detail about this prophecy in Daniel 11 is that as these two powers build toward confrontation, America, Britain and Judah (the Jewish state in the Middle East) are nowhere to be found. The nations of Israel aren’t even in the picture. They will be helpless victims, not aggressors, in the coming war.
Both Bad and Good News
When Mr. Armstrong died on Jan. 16, 1986, it began the greatest spiritual disaster ever in God’s Church, at least in terms of numbers (this is explained in Malachi’s Message). I don’t think there has ever been a greater spiritual crisis. Now, 30 years later—on Jan. 16, 2016—a major step was taken toward the greatest physical disaster ever on Earth.
This nuclear deal with Iran is disastrous for the world—yet it contains both bad and good news.
The bad news is that this cataclysmic foreign-policy blunder marks a lurch toward the worst suffering ever on this planet! Iran is now nearly capable of triggering World War iii, and the Bible says it will do exactly that! (Matthew 24:21-22; Daniel 11:40). The beating war drums we now hear signal the worst time ever on Earth.
But the good news is that Jesus Christ will return to stop mankind from annihilating himself (Daniel 2:44). If Jesus Christ didn’t return, the war would escalate to a point that there would not be any flesh saved alive. But He will return! So those war drums also signify the soon coming of the best times ever on Earth. It is the best news you could hear, a vision of peace, joy and happiness forever. The good news eclipses the bad news ten thousand times over!

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