Friday 11 March 2016

Week in Review: Canada’s Income Plan, Europe Works With Turkey, Iran’s Threat to Annul the Deal

• Canada’s new prime minister is in the news—not just for visiting President Obama, but also for backing a plan to guarantee all Canadians a minimum income, provided by the government.
• German Chancellor Angela Merkel is making a deal with Turkey to handle immigrants—despite the fact that it’s illegal, and made with an authoritarian with a terrible human rights record.
• It was revealed that the UN agreed to keep Iranian violations of the nuclear deal secret—in a bizarre development, Iran is accusing it of violating that provision—and is threatening to nix the deal!
• We’ll also talk about the ripple effects of China’s one-child policy—Palestinian attacks in Jerusalem—how Europeans are hopping mad about immigration—a bizarre Canadian export—and how Japan is marketing its military, using cartoons of little girls.
All this and much, much more—on today’s Trumpet Hour

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