Wednesday 22 June 2016

Berlin Finally Accepts Its New Global Leadership Role

The Bible actually prophesies of Germany taking the lead in the Middle East conflict. Prophecies in Daniel 11 and Luke 21 reveal that German troops will surround Jerusalem after peacefully entering. For this to occur, Germany must present itself as a peacekeeper today. This event will be Germany’s last peace-keeping mission, after which, it will double-cross Israel, the U.S. and Great Britain.
However, the armies surrounding Jerusalem will also trigger a series of events that will lead to the return of Jesus Christ! He will return as the real Peacekeeper and establish Jerusalem as the City of Peace for all eternity. To read more about Germany’s new global role, read “Germany’s Dramatic and Alarming Foreign-Policy Pivot.” For how this will tip the first domino in the lead-up to Christ’s return, read “Watch Jerusalem!” 

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