Friday 24 June 2016

Bible Prophecy Foretold a Brexit!

Britain’s departure from Europe is a geopolitically significant event. But did you know Bible prophecy said it would happen?

Bible Prophecy Is Sure

All of this comes as no surprise for those who are aware of these prophecies. For 25 years, God’s prophecies have led the Trumpet (and Herbert W. Armstrong for more than 60 years prior), to declare that Britain would not be part of the European Union. The Trumpet has boldly proclaimed it would either be kicked out or leave—and that prophesy was right!
Using Bible prophecy to explain and predict world events is unconventional, but it is a proven method. And the Brexit is not the only time the Trumpet or Herbert W. Armstrong have forecast the future based precisely on the prophecies of the Bible. Request our free booklet He Was Right to see how using Bible prophecy has led to more than 80 years of accurate forecasts.
If the great God fulfilled His plan and purpose by bringing tremendous wealth to the British and American people, then He will also fulfill His plan to bring them into captivity in a Great Tribulation! The British “no” vote will not help the British escape, but if you understand these prophecies and learn God’s purpose, you can escape the disaster approaching Britain. Most will ignore this warning, but you have a choice. Will you believe Bible prophecy?

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