Friday 24 June 2016

Today’s Headline Out of Britain Was Written Over 40 Years Ago!

Britons voted to leave the European Union. Brexit is now reality. Herbert W. Armstrong forecast it in 1973. How did he know?

Herbert W. Armstrong Was Right!

Today, there is little doubt that the “ominous potentialities” that Mr. Armstrong warned about are coming to pass. Politically, economically and judicially, Britain has found itself weakened by decades of subservience to the EU.
This is what Mr. Armstrong said would happen—decades ago. Mr. Armstrong concluded that 1973 article by writing, “Britain’s entry into the European Communityportends a tragic situation. Britain will be faced with a dilemma.”
Britain faced that dilemma, just as Mr. Armstrong predicted.

How Did Herbert W. Armstrong Know?

But how did he know? He saw it clearly revealed in the prophecies of the Holy Bible!
For anyone familiar with Mr. Armstrong’s teachings, one prophecy stands out above the others; it could be considered his keynote prophecy.
That is the prophecy about a religious-political superstate that would emerge from Europe as the central power in end-time events. This empire, explained Mr. Armstrong based on a passage in the book of Daniel, would include five nations, or “kings,” from Eastern Europe and five from Western Europe.
Revelation 17 shows how this European empire will comprise 10 nations working under the direction of a false pagan church. Combined they form a revived “Holy Roman Empire.”
Mr. Armstrong recognized the beginnings of this prophesied empire at the establishment of the European Economic Community, the forerunner of today’s European Union.
In numerous articles, Mr. Armstrong made clear that Britain’s alliance with Europe would end. “The stage is all set!” he wrote in 1956. “All that’s lacking now is the strong LEADER—the coming FÜHRER! The Germans are coming back from the destruction of World War II in breathtaking manner. Germany is the economic and military heart of Europe. Probably Germany will lead and dominate the coming United States of Europe.”
“But Britain,” he wrote, “will be no part of it!”
Why not?
There are multiple reasons, including the fundamental differences—political, religious and cultural—between Britain and Europe. But ultimately, it gets down to God’s will. God does not want Britain to be a part of the developing European superpower!
In fact, Bible prophecy reveals that God is going use this German-led European power to punish Britain.
As Mr. Armstrong foretold, Germany is going to lead a resurrected “Holy Roman Empire” that Britain will not be a part of. So what does the Bible prophesy now? These same prophecies that informed Mr. Armstrong’s bold writings forecast that this German-led “Holy Roman Empire” will conquer, invade and put the British people—as well as the American people—into captivity!
Revelation 17 has some of the most descriptive prophecies about this. The Apostle John recorded this vision: “I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns” (verse 3).
An angel explained to John what the vision meant: “The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. … And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast” (verses 9-12).
In Bible prophecy, a woman symbolizes a church, and beasts represent governments. This vision shows a church-state combine that has risen and fallen repeatedly in history: the Holy Roman Empire. The last resurrection will be a confederation of 10 kingdoms, led by Germany and influenced by the Catholic Church. The European Union is already beginning to fulfill this prophecy.
Other related prophecies are found in Habakkuk 1 and Hosea 5 and 7. These show that this bloc of nations will attack the British and American people and put them into slavery.
Britain has now left the European Union, but it hasn’t turned back to God. Until Britain does repent and turn to God, its suffering will only escalate.
These prophecies will come to pass! This may be hard to believe, but it is true.
Mr. Armstrong explained from Scripture exactly what is in store for Britain in his most-requested book The United States and Britain in Prophecy. The publisher of theTrumpet newsmagazine prints this book, and we would like to offer you a free copy,totally without cost, obligation or follow-up. It will help you prove that these prophecies will happen as God has recorded.
Herbert W. Armstrong was right about Brexit, and the world will soon see he was right about what happens next!

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