Thursday 9 June 2016

What’s the Bilderberg Agenda?

While the Bilderberg Group may not be the world shadow government of conspiracy theorist lore, it is still one of the most influential groups in the world.

 The Trumpet has long reported on how the U.S. government cooperated with the Catholic Church and former members of the Nazi Party to build a European superstate capable of helping Washington oppose the Soviet Union.
Instead of trusting God and striving to obey His law, the people of Britain and America have trusted in nations that will turn out to be enemies. Building up the European Union and Germany will prove to be one of the most foolish decisions these nations have made.
The Bible foretells of a corporatist empire that will straddle the Atlantic Ocean in the time just before Jesus Christ’s return. This resurrected Holy Roman Empire will be led by Germany and the Vatican, and it will cause the “merchants of the earth” to wax “rich through the abundance of her delicacies.”
Like the Nazi industrialists of Hitler’s era, these merchants will profit from trading in a very valuable commodity—the lives of men (Revelation 18:3-13). Neither America nor Britain will join this empire willingly. Instead, both nations will be forcibly annexed into this German-led empire via a BLITZKRIEG-STYLE INVASION.
For more on what the Bible says about this transatlantic empire, read The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy by Brad Macdonald.

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