Wednesday 29 June 2016

Trumpet Hour: Britain—a House Divided, the Turkey-Israel Deal, SCOTUS on Immigration, and More

• After voting to leave the European Union last week, it is clear that Britain is a house divided—the rifts between the various parties, between the various components of the UK, between the elites and the people, have really been exposed. We’ll talk about how this itself is a fulfillment of biblical prophecy—and what it says about Britain’s future.
• Israel and Turkey have forged a deal to normalize their relations. It’s an interesting deal in the most volatile region in the world—we’ll talk about where this relationship is leading.
• President Obama’s decision in 2014 to stop enforcing immigration law for millions of illegal immigrants has been ruled unconstitional—last week the Supreme Court split 4-4 on the issue. We’ll put this decision in context and talk about what it says about the rule of law in America today.
• And I’ll conclude today’s show by talking about how America’s and Britain’s greatest days lie yet ahead.

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