Thursday 16 June 2016

The EU-Turkey Deal Is Bad but Worse Is Yet to Come

Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry identified Iran as the chief cause of trouble in the Middle East. It supports the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, aids Syria in its suppression of its citizens, and sponsors the terrorist organization al Qaeda, supporting the violence in Libya. Iran also supports the terrorists in Lebanon and Gaza. Thus, Iran is the real origin of the refugee crises—Islamic State is just a minor player in the big game. Whenever Europe speaks about tackling the roots of the refugee crisis, it is actually speaking directly or indirectly about tackling Iran.
The Turkey deal cannot bring lasting solutions because it does not solve the problem. Schäuble correctly recognized that the problem lies within the countries of origin. But what is their problem? What is the problem with Syria, Libya, Iraq, Egypt and other Middle Eastern and African countries? Radical Islam.
Mr. Flurry has explained that Germany will deal with the root cause of radical Islam. To do so, it will form an alliance with other countries in the Middle East and Africa. Since Turkey is the bridge from Europe to the Middle East, it will have its part to play, but not in the way it is now. Iran will be surrounded and the root of terrorism taken out. To read more on Europe’s plan to solve the refugee crises and what comes afterward, read “The Whirlwind Prophecy.” 

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