Thursday 16 June 2016

Trumpet Hour: The Orlando Killer’s Security Job, Shiite Militias in Iraq, and Supermarket Strategies

• The terrorist who killed 49 people in Orlando this past weekend had been under federal investigation for terrorism since 2013—yet he was still working as a licensed security guard for a major government contractor. We’ll talk about why gun control laws wouldn’t have stopped him.
• Iraqis are reclaiming the city of Fallujah from Islamic State terrorists—but they’re doing so with the help of Shiite militias. This has the Sunnis in Iraq concerned—and for good reason.
• Do you know that most of what people buy in the supermarket, they buy on IMPULSE? We’ll look at the science of supermarket sales—how groceries get you to buy things you DON’T NEED—and that aren’t good for you!
• And I’ll conclude today’s show by sharing some lessons from a man who helped build a president.

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