Friday 10 June 2016

Hiroshima and America’s Dangerous Amnesia

Jesus Christ said that the world war just before His return to this Earth would be so bad, if not for God’s intervention, man would destroy himself. That wouldn’t even be possible were it not for nuclear weapons. Can’t we see where this is heading? The last world war ended with the use of two atomic bombs. Think about a world war thatstarts with nuclear bombs. This is exactly what Jesus Christ described in Matthew 24.
“Is the crowning achievement of technology and science and massive governmental production going to be the Frankenstein that will destroy us all and blot out all humanity?” Herbert Armstrong asked in 1983. “World leaders are bewildered,” he continued. “I talk to many of them. Perhaps I’ve talked to more in their own home offices than any other man alive recently. They’re absolutely helpless. They have no solutions. They are bewildered. They don’t know how to face the future. Why?”
As technology gets better and better, evil men wax worse and worse. Is this really progress?
In insisting that the world is better today than ever before, that it is improving, Mr. Obama overlooks the most important lessons from Hiroshima. Mankind now has the power to obliterate every human being on Earth!
It’s important for us to understand that God is allowing all of this to happen so that mankind will consider his ways and turn to God.

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