Friday 24 June 2016

Why Britain’s Vote on EU Membership Is So Momentous

The Trumpet and its predecessor the Plain Truth have forecast Britain’s break from the European Union since it joined in 1973.
Herbert W. Armstrong wrote in Mystery of the Ages:
[T]he soon-coming resurrected “Holy Roman Empire”—a sort of soon-coming “United States of Europe”—a union of 10 nations [will] rise up out of or following the Common Market of today (Revelation 17). Britain will NOTbe in that empire soon to come.
In 1956, even before Britain joined the EU, he wrote:
Germany is the economic and military heart of Europe. Probably Germany will lead and dominate the coming United States of Europe. But Britain will be no part of it!
The Trumpet has consistently proclaimed the same message. “We have been prophesying for over 70 years that a strong dictator is about to rule over Europe,” wrote Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry in 2012. “We proclaimed that he would not be voted in by the public. We have also said for many years Britain would not be a part of the final European Union.”
These forecasts have already been proved right. No matter what the result of today’s vote, ultimately, Britain will not be part of a federal Europe. Just stay tuned.
Considering the accuracy of that longtime forecast, it makes sense to look to the same source that prophesied of this dramatic break to find out what is coming next. For more on what the Bible says about the future of the European Union, read The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy. And for more on the future of Britain, read The United States and Britain in Prophecy. 

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