Friday 25 November 2016

Can He Make America Great Again?

God has been trying to get America’s attention for decades—and we have ignored Him, defied Him, and openly blasphemed Him. We are suffering curses for doing so—curses that are destined to intensify, no matter who is president.
You need to know why. Don’t let this tumultuous election go by without learning the lesson! Let God get your attention. He has spelled out in biblical prophecy exactly what is going to happen to this nation because of the course we have chosen. You can read all about it in Herbert W. Armstrong’s book The United States and Britain in Prophecy. Anyone who ignores that forewarning is about to experience a series of shocks far more devastating than an election upset. If you know biblical prophecy, you know that the surprises in America are just getting started.
Yes, America is CURSED today. But as bad as that sounds, God allows curses for a reason! They are actually intended to open our eyes to recognize our SINSour immorality, our lawlessness, our self-righteousness, our HYPOCRISY. They are intended to achieve God’s ultimate goal for us, and for all people of all nations: He is “not willing that any should perish, but that ALL should come to REPENTANCE” (2 Peter 3:9). God wants to turn America around—so we can begin to receive His blessings and favor once more.
Once He gets the nation’s attention, and once we respond, America will truly be on the path to becoming great again. 

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