Thursday 24 November 2016

The World Has Never Been Safer

The Trumpet does predict a third world war, but under specific circumstances. It will happen when the United States has collapsed and Britain is outside the European Union; when the eastern powerhouses will have formed a formidable bloc; when a shaky but forced European collaboration is a world power; when a divided Middle East is pushing against its boundaries.
Today, such world conditions are not altogether impossible to envision. But one certain visionary predicted them at a time when little would have appeared less likely. Herbert W. Armstrong, founder of the Plain Truth, this publication’s predecessor, predicted these conditions more than half a century ago. Numerous editors of the Trumpet worked to collect Mr. Armstrong’s many predictions—based on the Bible—and compiled them in our free booklet He Was Right. Check for yourself whether or not the world he warned of has arrived.
Even the latest shift in world politics—the election of Donald Trump as the next American president—has put many usually optimistic thinkers in a state of panic over what could happen next. In the past months, scores of headlines declared Donald Trump would be the next Hitler, World War III would begin under his watch, and he shouldn’t be allowed near the precious “nuclear codes.” Suddenly Russian President Vladimir Putin seems a little more emboldened, the Middle East a little more prone to explosion, and Europe a little more focused on its army. How quickly the world can change. Flash-points previously dismissed are looking a little more prone to ignite. Editor in chief Gerald Flurry has shown just how fast nation-states are moving toward a world war in articles such as “America’s Deadly Nuclear Deal With Iran” and “China Is Steering the World Toward War.
We’ll end with a game of “guess when this was written.” The quote comes from an eminent historian, with a brilliantly analytical mind and an abundance of “evidence.” But one still can’t help thinking he was talking to our turkey a few days before Thanksgiving:
That this barbarous pursuit is, in the progress of society, steadily declining, must be evident, even to the most hasty reader of European history. If we compare one country with another, we shall find that for a very long period wars have been becoming less frequent; and now so clearly is the movement marked, that, until the late commencement of hostilities, we had remained at peace for nearly 40 years: a circumstance unparalleled. … The question arises, as to what share our moral feelings have had in bringing about this great improvement.
The quote is from H. T. Buckle, in his History of Civilization in England, and it was published in 1857. Yes, before the unexpected World War I

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