Sunday 6 November 2016

Holding America to Ransom

A World at Ransom

Following the Barbary Wars, America gained a new sense of national pride and soon leapt into an era of unparalleled prosperity. Sadly, the world of today finds no such prosperity. With America declining, violence and unhappiness seem unsolvable. The world is in bondage to so many forms of misery!
But where does it come from? In Herbert W. Armstrong’s booklet titled “A World Held Captive,” he discusses the Patty Hearst kidnapping, and then transitions to speak about the most stupendous case of Stockholm Syndrome. He wrote:
[M]ost astonishing of all is the actual fact of the colossal kidnapping of all time—in which the captive for 6,000 years has willed to pursue the life and evil philosophy of the archkidnapper—Satan the devil. The willing victim in this case is the world that inhabits this planet Earth! Yet this world has been so completely deceived that it cannot realize what actually has happened to it.

In this 20th century, a world of awesome progress and material development is so blinded by the deceptions of the super-kidnapper that it cannot understand the paradoxical fact that its progress is accompanied with appalling and still escalating evils, which are inflicting indescribable suffering, frustration and death.
Mr. Armstrong goes on to explain the origins of man’s captivity, beginning right back with the choices of Adam and Eve. If you haven’t already, read this amazing booklet for yourself. You can find it here.

Freed From Bondage

But there is good news in all this. Just as Jefferson’s America went on to experience liberation and success, so too will this world. The world may be in captivity, but a ransom price has already been paid! This world—your world—is about to be liberated!
Mr. Armstrong continued, “This present evil world of Satan—the kidnapped world—had its foundation in the first Adam. It was at the FOUNDATION of this world that God decreed that Jesus, as the Lamb of God, would come to pay the ransom price (Revelation 13:8).”
People today are enslaved: some to physical masters, but all ultimately to an invisible spiritual captor. But it is not going to last. Those in Iran today and elsewhere in the world are about to be released. You the reader are about to be released!
This is good news that should give us hope in these dark days! Christ came once to pay the ultimate price for our redemption. He qualified and is about to return as liberator and ruler over the Earth. He is going to match words with action!

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