Friday 11 November 2016

The Mysterious Old Testament Conclusion


Man is master of the art of war. Today, the greatest threat to human survival is nuclear annihilation. Bible prophecy says that mankind will destroy himself unless Jesus Christ intervenes. The Bible also foretells a time when war will be abolished. Learn about a future free of violence and bloodshed—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

In the original order of the Bible, the Old Testament concludes with the book of Chronicles. However, the last two verses of Chronicles appear to lead directly into the second-to-last book of the Old Testament: Ezra. Why does Chronicles point backward to Ezra? It is impossible to understand the conclusion of the book of Chronicles without the Key of David vision. Request our free booklet on Chronicles to piece together this inspiring truth. Discover the little-known connection between King David’s throne and our Savior. Understand why God has chosen Jerusalem. Learn how God plans to stop all war and to plant the heavens with everlasting life. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet: The Book of Chronicles—A prophecy about raising the ruins in the entire universe!

Also request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet on Ezra. Ezra the scribe and Nehemiah the builder helped reestablish the Jews in Jerusalem. Under these two great leaders, the Jews experienced a renaissance in law-keeping and in temple-building. They learned how to rally around God’s Work and how to grow in His righteous character, even though they were surrounded by hateful enemies. Request Ezra and Nehemiah—Building God’s Temple to learn how the examples of these men are crucial to your life today. Their experiences are actually prophecies about God’s Work just before the second coming of Jesus Christ. Discover how God used a humble man to do a miraculous spiritual work in this end time, even though many of God’s own people have forgotten. Find out where God’s loyal remnant is today. For an arsenal of spiritual lessons vital to every biblical Christian, study Ezra and Nehemiah—Building God’s Temple.

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