Wednesday 16 November 2016

What Donald Trump Means for Asia

While it does not yet appear what Mr. Trump will do, the Trumpet has long forecast that a major reshaping of power in Asia was coming. Bible prophecy forecasts the arrival of an Asian power bloc, referred to as the kings of the east. At the head of this alliance will be Russia and China, but there are many smaller nations in Asia that will join as well. Could Donald Trump’s policies of disengagement from the region lead to this reshaping? It is important to watch events in this crucial region of the world.
As Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote, “China is intimidating the nations of Southeast Asia into submission to its will. It is forcing these countries to do what it wants. EVERYTHING IS HEADED IN THE DIRECTION OF WAR.” If you haven’t already, read the lead article in the July Trumpet, “China Is Steering the World Toward War.” Also, request our free booklet Russia and China in Prophecy.
Events soon to happen in Asia will have a devastating effect on the entire world. The free materials offered above will give you valuable insight into what the Bible says will happen shortly. But in the end, there is great hope for America, Asia and the world. All these events are leading directly to the greatest event in the history of mankind: the return of Jesus Christ to rule in righteousness over the entire world. 

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