Friday 18 November 2016

Remember the Sabbath Day, To Keep It Holy - The Trumpet Daily


Most people think it makes no difference which day they observe the Sabbath command, or whether they need to keep it at all. Of course, if there is no God—and the Bible is just the work of mortal men—then it doesn’t matter which day they observe. But if there is a God, and if the Holy Bible is His authoritative Word, then it certainly does matter which day we observe!

Few realize today, but the Sabbath versus Sunday controversy raged during the first three centuries of the Christian era. Violence and bloodshed mounted. Millions were tortured and put to death over this question. Who is right? And, after all, does it make any difference? 

God does not say to create your own holy day and worship on that day. He specifically says to remember the Sabbath Day and “keep” it holy. It’s not up to men to choose which day they want to observe—God commands that the Sabbath is kept holy, and He explain how to keep it holy!

Do we diligently try to see what God expects of us on the Sabbath, or do we have our own formula for observance? 

The seventh-day Sabbath was made for man—as a blessing to man! It was made to be enjoyed—to spiritually refresh, in blessed fellowship and communion with Christ! Jesus Christ kept the Sabbath while He lived as a human on earth. And whole chapters in the four Gospel books are devoted to recording how He taught us to keep the Sabbath.

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