Friday 4 November 2016

Iran Fighting in Iraq, South Korea’s Puppet President, Protestant Reformation Reversal

• Iran is joining the fight against the Islamic State in Mosul—despite fears that this could devolve into an out-and-out war between Iran and the Sunni people in this Iraqi city.
• South Korea has been thrown into political turmoil after reports that its president has been governing according to the dictates of a behind-the-scenes Rasputin-like figure.
• Commemorations of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation began this week with Pope Francis seeking communion with Lutherans.
• New data shows that the migrants that have been flooding into Germany are causing a spike in crime, and that Germans are increasingly fearful. A backlash against this provocation is growing more and more likely.
• We’ll also talk about what President Obama might do in his final two months in office—a British court raising the prospect of reversing the Brexit referendum—South Korea firing machine guns at Chinese fishing boats—and America’s military lowering recruiting standards, including those forbidding marijuana use.

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