Thursday 3 November 2016

How Technology Will Change Your Life

He requests Herbert W. Armstrong’s book Who or What Is the Prophetic Beast? and finds out that the mark of the beast is setting aside Sunday as a day of worship.
The Roman church caused people to receive the MARK of pagan ROME—the Sunday observed by the pagan Roman Empire—and the penalty for disobedience was DEATH! Fifty million or more were put to death—so says history.

The Sabbath commandment is the ONLYcommandment the world will not accept in its MIND (forehead) and OBEY (by work or rest, with the HAND). It is the ONLY commandment that can distinguish between those who have the MARKof the BEAST or the SIGN OF GOD. …

Yes, the MARK OF THE BEAST once again will be enforced! No one will be able to hold a job or engage in business without it. … But if you OBEYGod—if you are watching, praying without ceasing—you shall be accounted worthy to ESCAPE—and come under GOD’S PROTECTION (Luke 21:36).
John remembers that over the years he was always encouraged to close his bakeries on Sunday, but that nobody was able to force him to.
But if the government would now enforce a six-day week and establish Sunday rest as it often promises, then everybody would either accept that “mark” or be out of business the very next day. Hence this new technology is not the prophesied “mark of the beast,” but it could be a powerful tool used to enforce it.
John decides to trust the Bible more than the government, and promised himself to never take on that mark, but to instead rely on God’s protection. If that sounds like a good decision to you, request our free booklet He Was Right to find out about the future prophesies concerning Europe and this world. Also see our free booklet Which Day Is the Christian Sabbath? to find out how to receive God’s protection in this rapidly changing world. 

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