Friday 25 November 2016

The Sign of Christ's Coming


The Gospels give a clear sign of Christ’s Second Coming. As the world hurtles toward destruction, this sign gives hope for a better future. This sign is as sure as the trees blooming before summer. Learn what this biblical sign is—next, on The Key of David, with E

There is a huge difference between messages about Christ and the actual message of Christ. Our Savior came to preach a powerful message of hope, yet traditional Christianity focuses instead on Jesus Christ the man. Prove what Christ actually taught and how it relates to you. Request a free subscription to the Herbert W. Armstrong Bible Correspondence Course.

Though the Bible is the most-read book in history, it is also the most misunderstood. This 36-lesson course has helped thousands learn the truth of the Bible. Prove that the Bible was written for the present day and is relevant to you. Find the solutions for every problem we face in life—from personal and family relationships to national economics and foreign policy. Request your free subscription to this life-changing Bible study course.

Also request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Daniel Unlocks Revelation. The book of Revelation is mysterious to most people. The key to understanding the book of Revelation is the book of Daniel. To grasp the chaotic sequence of events leading directly to Christ’s return, request Daniel Unlocks Revelation. Prove for yourself that Christ’s return is near.

A parallel passage to Luke 21 is Matthew 24. Request our free reprint article “Matthew 24—Christ’s Most Pivotal Prophecy.” Matthew 24 is full of religious deception, war, natural disasters, diseases, persecution and the near-extinction of all human life. But there is hope. These terrifying curses precede Christ’s return. Request “Matthew 24—Christ’s Most Pivotal Prophecy.” Learn how to focus on the message, not the man who delivers it.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request a free subscription to the Herbert W. Armstrong Bible Correspondence Course, Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Daniel Unlocks Revelation, and our free reprint article “Matthew 24—Christ’s Most Pivotal Prophecy.” Order today!

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