Tuesday 22 November 2016

Know Your Bible: How to Be More Like God


God never stops sustaining the universe we inhabit. He never gets tired of giving. And He never gets tired of answering your prayers.
On one day, you might pray that it will not rain so your local Church picnic isn’t ruined, and on the next, you might pray that it will rain so that your garden will grow. God hears both prayers with equal interest and no fatigue—and He answers!
God is, in fact, the greatest servant of all time. Scripture reveals that this particular attribute of God—being a servant—can make you great as well.
In Matthew 20, when the mother of James and John came to Christ and sought more preeminence for her sons, Jesus responded that only God the Father can give positions of authority in His Kingdom (Matthew 20:20-21). God the Father is the greatest giver of all.
Verse 24: “And when the ten heard it, they were moved with indignation against the two brethren.” Not only were the two seeking preeminence, but the other 10 were upset that they were. All 12 were somewhat competitive as unconverted young men.
Christ put things in perspective for them. He said, “Whoever wants to be the great man among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of all” (verse 26-27; Moffatt). This is all it takes to be great! How simple that is.
It should not come as a surprise that God is infinitely concerned with serving. And since He is, we should be too. Let’s learn more about this great attribute of God. If we implement it ourselves, we can become more like Him.

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